Changing Your Image Colour Profile

PC Guideline:

Use to convert your images to sRGB. Please make sure to change the output format to .JPG before saving to your device.

Mac OS Guideline:

1. Navigate to "Finder" or Folder with images.

Red line under finders folder on mac os.

2. Select the "Tools" tab on the top menu bar, then select "Assign Profile"

Selecting assign profile in Mac OS tools menu.

3. Select "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" from the dropdown menu

Select sRGB profile in Mac OS menu bar.

4. Select "Ok"
5. Select "File" and "Export" from top menu bar

Selecting export in files menu bar in Mac OS.

6. Make sure the format is "JPEG" and Quality is set to Best

File export menu bar in Mac OS.

7. Save to your device.

Photoshop Guideline:

1. Open your image in Photoshop

Opening file in Photoshop grey menu bar.

2. Select "Edit", then "Convert to Profile"

Selecting convert to profile in Photoshop grey menu bar.

3. Select "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" from the "Destination Space Profile" dropdown menu.

Photoshops convert to profile dark grey menu bar.

4. Select "Ok"
5. Select "File" and "Save as", and save your image to your device.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.